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place in my home town ... the Silver City of the Nutmeg / Constitution State.
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AROUND for more exciting features. Phil
DATE TIME SITE HOME VISITOR 1/2 7:00pm YMCA JJ Ferry TI Automotive 1/2 8:00pm YMCA Recruiters Brown Jug 1/6 7:00pm WASH Times Micro 21st Foods 1/6 8:00pm WASH Untouchables SC All Stars 1/7 7:00pm WASH R & M Tommy Tape/VB 1/7 8:00pm WASH And 1 Garry Owens 1/8 7:00pm LINC Hairy's Peoples Press 1/8 8:00pm LINC Giacco/Fortes TI Automotive 1/9 7:00pm YMCA Recruiters 21st Foods 1/9 8:00pm YMCA Brown Jug Tommy Tape/VB 1/13 7:00pm WASH Times Micro SC All Stars 1/13 8:00pm WASH JJ Ferry Peoples Press 1/14 7:00pm WASH R & M Hairy's 1/14 8:00pm WASH And 1 Untouchables 1/15 7:00pm LINC Giacco/Fortes Tommy Tape/VB 1/15 8:00pm LINC Garry Owens 21st Foods 1/16 7:00pm YMCA Brown Jug Peoples Press 1/16 8:00pm YMCA TI Automotive Hairy's 1/21 7:00pm WASH JJ Ferry SC All Stars 1/21 8:00pm WASH R & M And 1 1/22 7:00pm LINC Recruiters Tommy Tape/VB 1/22 8:00pm LINC Times Micro Peoples Press 1/23 7:00pm YMCA Garry Owens Untouchables 1/23 8:00pm YMCA Giacco/FPRTES 21st Foods 1/27 7:00pm WASH JJ Ferry Hairy's 1/27 8:00pm WASH Brown Jug TI Automotive 1/28 7:00pm WASH Recruiters And 1 1/28 8:00pm WASH R & M SC All Stars 1/29 7:00pm LINC Brown Jug 21st Foods 1/29 8:00pm LINC Untouchables Tommy Tape/VB 1/30 7:00pm YMCA Peoples Press Garry Owens 1/30 8:00pm YMCA Times Micro Hairy's LINC = Lincoln Middle School, 164 Centennial Avenue WASH = Washington Middle School, 1225 North Broad Street YMCA = Y.M.C.A., 110 West Main Street
... there's no charge to cheer on your favorite team!
(schedule is subject to changes - verify at 630-4279)
[games played through March 11, 2003; post season TBA]
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
League Location Date Time Meriden Girls Israel Putnam ES 1/9, 1/10, 1/13 6:00-8:00PM Softball League Jack Barry LL Nathan Hale ES 1/22 and 1/23 6:30-8:00PM Ed Walsh LL Maloney HS 1/21 - 1/23 6:00-8:00PM Meriden Youth sign-up online at: Travel Baseball
Age Registration Competition 9-10 2:30PM 2:45PM 11-12 3:15PM 3:30PM 13-15 4:00PM 4:15PM
Contestants score points by making baskets from different
spots on the gym floor in a set amount of time. Winners
will advance to the county championship in Waterbury
and possibly the state championships in New Britain.
For more information, please call (203) 235-8185 or
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
keep current with the
identifying more timely events
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LK AROUND - you're always welcome.
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specially updated February 1, 2003