Meriden, CT
- community calendar -
(February 2000)
This is your opportunity to learn more about the community events that took
place in my home town ... the Silver City of the Nutmeg / Constitution State.
Be sure to preview the current
events uniquely placed on an updated page!
You may also find additional Net content arranged in
alpha / category formats.
Please remember to return to
AROUND for more exciting features. Phil
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Weather Permitting
![[family snowball gathering]](/imgla/fmsnwbl8.gif)
Winter Activities
Depending upon the weather, the City of Meriden offers skating, sledding
and cross-country skiing at Hunter Golf Course and various park sites.
Info regarding activity conditions at city sites will be posted on the
Parks and Recreation Department Activity Line (203) 630-4279.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
daily except Tue/Fri, February 2000
Indoor Public Swim
The 1999-2000 Indoor Public Swim Program at Maloney High continues!
Interested participants must possess a valid 2000 pool tag which
is available at the Parks and Recreation Department office.
The pool's weekly schedule is as follows:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays ... 6:30-7:45pm
Saturdays and Sundays ... 12:00-3:45pm
(Pool normally unavailable Tue. and Fri.)
** special afternoon schedule from February 12-21 **
2/12 and 2/13 ... 12:00-3:45pm
2/14 - 2/18 ... 1:00-3:45pm
2/19 and 2/20 ... 12:00-3:45pm
2/21 ... closed
There will be no public swim on school holidays nor snow days,
unless otherwise noted. Daily updates can be found on the
Parks and Recreation Department Activity Line (203) 630-4279.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
every Monday - Thursday, February 2000
Meriden Men's Basketball League
From December 1, 1999 through early March 2000, you can freely
watch Meriden resident teams (18 and older) compete on area courts:
Mondays @ Washington Middle School, 1225 North Broad Street, Meriden
Tuesdays and Thursdays @ YMCA, 110 West Main Street, Meriden
Wednesdays @ Lincoln Middle School, 164 Centennial Avenue, Meriden
Games are at *6:30pm and 7:45pm Mon-Thur (*only 6:30pm on Tuesdays)
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Tuesdays, February 2000
Co-Ed Adult Volleyball Program
Organized recreational volleyball games for adults ages 18 and older
continues to take place at Lincoln Middle School from 6-9pm until 4/11/00.
The program will not run, however, on school holidays and snow days!
A one-time $20.00 registration fee can be paid at the program or at
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Thursdays, February 2000
Meriden Game Club
Boys and girls ages 7-14 are invited to learn new skills and improve
their existing skills in chess, cards and board games. The group will
meet every Thursday from 3-5pm at St. Mary's School. There's no fee to
participate and children may register for the club during program hours.
The club will not meet on holidays, school vacation days or snow days.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
It's Sign-Up Period Again
League Registrations
Registrations for organized spring league activites
will take place at the following dates and times:
League Location Date Time
Jack Barry LL John Barry School Feb 2 and 3 6:30-8PM
Ben Franklin School Feb 9 and 10 " "
South Meriden Hanover School Feb 7 and 8 7-9PM
Youth League
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Wednesday, February 9, 2000
Meriden Land Trust
An all-volunteer group consisting of
conservationists, hikers and outdoor enthusiasts
invite you to join them at the City Engineer's office
in city hall as they meet every second Wednesday at 7p.m.
Focusing on protecting the natural habitat of Meriden
including its wetlands, wildlife habitat, trap-rock ridges
trails, farmland, historic, scenic and recreational areas;
collectively, we can all help maintain Meriden's balance
between the rural and urban aspects of the community.
Meriden Land Trust, Inc., P.O. Box 1745, Meriden, CT 06450
February 14 - 18, 2000
Karate Camp
For those students interested in trying a new and exciting activity,
the City of Meriden and Valentin Karate will presnet the 1st Annual
Winter Karate Camp. Boys and girls ages 5-18 are invited to
receive instruction in the Tang Soo Do form of martial arts.
The camp runs 10:00-11:30am at Valentin Karate, 82 Camp Street.
There is no charge to participate, but space is limited!
Students can register via phone (630-4259) or at Valentin Karate
on the program dates.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Monday, February 21, 2000
Winter Carnival
Weather permitting, everyone's invited to enjoy
the Presidents' Day Winter Carnival!
Before returning to the classroom, spend the
last day of vacation outside having fun:
skating, sledding, food and other activities
take place at Hubbard Park from 1-4pm.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
* Information Wanted *
This feature is created as a result of several visitors' input / suggestions.
My goal is to provide a growing and valuable local resource for all to enjoy.
If you, or someone you may know, have any material or ideas that others
may appreciate added to this service, please feel free to let
me know. Phil
keep current with the
![[Meriden, CT Community Calendar]](/imgla/mdnccl.gif)
Meriden, CT
Community Calendar
identifying more timely events
Thank You! ... for visiting
K AROUND - you're always welcome.
** We can put your message on the Web **
please e-mail philviger@bigfoot.com
or call (203) 235-0528
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specially updated March 2, 2000
from that created February 4, 2000