Meriden, CT
- community calendar -
(November 2000)
This is your opportunity to learn more about the community events that took
place in my home town ... the Silver City of the Nutmeg / Constitution State.
Be sure to preview the current
events uniquely placed on an updated page!
You may also find additional Net content arranged in
alpha / category formats.
Please remember to return to
AROUND for more exciting features. Phil
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daily except Tues + Fri, November 2000
2000-2001 Indoor Swim Program
You're welcome to maintain your swimming exercise at
the Maloney High School indoor pool on Gravel Street.
Interested participants must possess a valid 2000 pool tag,
which can be obtained at the Parks and Recreation office.
(2001 tags may be purchased beginning December 4th)
The pool's weekly schedule will be as follows:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays ... 6:30 - 7:45pm
Saturdays and Sundays ... 12:00n - 3:45pm
Public swim will not be held on the following dates:
November 1st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 26th
There is no public swim on school holidays or snow days,
unless otherwise noted. Daily updates can be found on the
Parks and Recreation Department Activity Line (203) 630-4279.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Tuesdays, November - April 10, 2000
2000-2001 Co-Ed Adult Volleyball Program
Organized recreational volleyball games for adults
ages 18 and older takes place every Tuesday night
at Lincoln Middle School from 6:00 - 9:00pm!
(Program will not run school holidays or snow days)
One-time $20.00 registration fee payable at game or
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
thru, November 17, 2000
Meriden Men's Basketball League
Team registrations for the 2000-2001 MMBL are now accepted!
The entrance fee is $450.00 per team. Games begin later
this month and run through March. The league is open to
Meriden residents and Meriden business employees.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 2 thru 21, 2000
Clues given for 2000 Turkey Hunt
Tom the Paper Turkey is hiding somewhere in Meriden,
hoping to survive the Thanksgiving season without being discovered!
Children ages 5-14 are invited to locate Tom's whereabouts by using
clues given on the Parks and Recreation Dept activity line (630-4279).
The first child to find Tom and return him to the Parks and Recreation
Department office will receive a Thanksgiving turkey and other prizes.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Saturday, November 11, 2000
2000 Veterans Day Ceremony
The Meriden United Veterans Council will present this special event at
the Broad Street monuments (Stop and Shop Plaza) starting at 10:30am!
The day will also include the dedication of the World War II 50th
Anniversary plaque at the Carillon Tower on West Main Street.
Please come out and show your support for those who have
sacrificed so much to protect our country's freedom.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
2000-2001 Festival of Silver Lights
It all starts with a special lighting ceremony at Hubbard Park!
The event will feature food, entertainment, costume characters,
and the opportunity to see this year's holiday lights illuminated
for the first time. Please meet at the pool parking lot at 6:00pm.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
* Information Wanted *
This feature is created as a result of several visitors' input / suggestions.
My goal is to provide a growing and valuable local resource for all to enjoy.
If you, or someone you may know, have any material or ideas that others
may appreciate added to this service, please feel free to let
me know. Phil
keep current with the
![[Meriden, CT Community Calendar]](/imgla/mdnccl.gif)
Meriden, CT
Community Calendar
identifying more timely events
Thank You! ... for visiting
K AROUND - you're always welcome.
** We can put your message on the Web **
please e-mail philviger@bigfoot.com
or call (203) 235-0528
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specially updated December 2, 2000
from that created November 11, 2000