Meriden, CT
- community calendar -
(November 2001)
This is your opportunity to learn more about the community events that took
place in my home town ... the Silver City of the Nutmeg / Constitution State.
Be sure to preview the current
events uniquely placed on an updated page!
You may also find additional Net content arranged in
alpha / category formats.
Please remember to return to
AROUND for more exciting features. Phil
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almost daily, November 2001
Indoor Swim Program
The 2001 - 2002 Public Swim Program meets at
the Maloney High School pool for your benefit:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 6:30 - 7:45pm
Saturdays and Sundays from 12 Noon - 3:45pm
However, this month the pool will be closed on:
November 21st, 22nd, 24th and the 25th
There will be no public swim on school holidays
or snow days, unless otherwise noted.
Daily updates are available on the Parks and Rec
special activity line ... (203) 630-4279.
All interested participants must possess a valid tag,
($1 for children 17 and under, and $5 for adults),
[proof of Meriden residency required], available at
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Tuesdays, November 2001 - April 9, 2002
Co-Ed Adult Volleyball Program
Organized recreational volleyball games for adults
ages 18 and older take place every Tuesday night
at Lincoln Middle School from 6:00-9:00PM.
(Program doesn't run school holidays or snow days)
All paid participants will receive t-shirts.
A one-time $25.00 registration fee can be paid
at the program or at the department office of
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
continuing, November 1 - 16, 2001
Meriden Men's Basketball League
Team registrations for the 2001-2002 MMBL will be
accepted during this time period. The games will
actually be played weekday nights beginning in late
November through early March at the Meriden YMCA and
Washington Middle School. Entrance fee is $450 per team.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
starting, November 1 - 20, 2001
2001 Turkey Hunt
Tom the Turkey is hiding somewhere in Meriden, hoping to
survive the Thanksgiving season without being discovered!
Children ages 5-13 are invited to locate Tom's whereabouts
by using clues given on the Parks and Recreation activity
line (630-4279). Clues will be given every Tuesday and
Thursday. Receive a Thanksgiving turkey and other prizes
by being the first child to locate Tom and return him to the
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Friday, November 2, 2001
Blood Drive
The American Red Cross Bus will be located in the parking
lot of CUNO, Inc at 400 Research Parkway, Meriden, CT from
11:15am - 4:15pm, today. Anyone interested in giving blood
during this time of extreme need for the U.S.A. is welcome!
Sunday, November 11, 2001
Veterans' Day Activities
The City of Meriden and the Meriden United Veterans Council
will hold the 2001 Veterans' Day Ceremony at the Stop and Shop
Veterans Plaza (across Broad St. monuments) starting at 10:30am!
The UVC will also hold a 5:00pm ceremony at the American Legion
Post #45, followed by a 'Watchfire' (proper disposal of US Flag)
at 5:30pm. The UVC welcomes contingents of the Meriden Police
and Fire Departments, public and parochial school plus the
neighborhood associations. All Meriden residents are invited.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Festival of Silver Lights
The special lighting ceremony at Hubbard Park
starts from the pool's parking lot at 6:00pm!
Event features include music, entertainment,
costume characters, refreshments and the
opportunity to see this year's holiday
lights illuminated for the first time.
Meriden Parks and Recreation, 460 Liberty St, 630-4259
* Information Wanted *
This feature is created as a result of several visitors' input / suggestions.
My goal is to provide a growing and valuable local resource for all to enjoy.
If you, or someone you may know, have any material or ideas that others
may appreciate added to this service, please feel free to let
me know. Phil
keep current with the
![[Meriden, CT Community Calendar]](/imgla/mdnccl.gif)
Meriden, CT
Community Calendar
identifying more timely events
Thank You! ... for visiting
K AROUND - you're always welcome.
** We can put your message on the Web **
please e-mail philviger@bigfoot.com
or call (203) 235-0528
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specially updated December 1, 2001
from that created November 1, 2001